How can I request a customized dashboard in Mindmatrix and what does this process involve?

How can I request a customized dashboard in Mindmatrix and what does this process involve?

The Mindmatrix dashboard offers both standard and development-driven customization options. This article will outline the process you should follow to customize your dashboard, as well as what you can expect out of the dashboard customization process.

As of September 2019, there are several kinds of dashboards included within Mindmatrix.
  1. Sales manager
  2. Sales
  3. Channel manager
  4. Channel partner
  5. Corporate marketing
  6. Marketing manager
  7. Customer
Before creating a custom dashboard design, review your dashboard and the included options to decide if the custom development option is the right one for you.

Why should you make a custom dashboard?

If you have an original design that is important to your brand and look and feel of your portal, you should work on a custom dashboard design. Customized dashboards are billable enhancements, so take the time to consider what you would include before requesting a dashboard.

How long does the design process take?

Depending upon complexity, designing a customized dashboard can take 6-8 weeks.

Are there any limitations to what can be redesigned?

As a best practice, our team will review the proposed dashboard and highlight any issues we see with your proposed design. Reviewing a particular design is the best way for us to provide insight on what is or is not possible.

What can I expect out of the implementation process?

You will meet with a project manager and technical lead to review your dashboard and sign off throughout the build and creation process.

What stages does this process include?

  1. Kick off
    1. Review and meet to go over your requested dashboard design.
  2. Implementation review
    1. Review the finalized assessment of what is possible to implement based on your design.
    2. In this stage, it's critical that Mindmatrix identifies what is possible and what is not within any design you provide.
  3. Check-in calls during the design phase
    1. Review progress on your dashboard and answer any necessary questions that may arise in the creation phase from our development leads
  4. User acceptance testing
    1. Review the dashboard and prepare to test using provided scripts.
    2. This is NOT a functionality testing process--Mindmatrix will test the dashboard thoroughly to verify functionality.
    3. The purpose of the UAT phase is to verify that the dashboard has the look and feel that you would expect.
  5. Review and Revise
    1. If required, Mindmatrix will revise the dashboard based on feedback.
  6. Final sign off
    1. Sign off on the final version of the dashboard on Sandbox.
  7. Release the dashboard to production
    1. The dashboard is now live on the production version of Mindmatrix.
  8. Sign-off
    1. Mindmatrix and the Client agree that all work is complete.

Visual breakdown of the design and implementation process 

Your actual implementation process may vary, based on the complexity of your design request.

Dashboard Modules or Attributes

Module or AttributeGuideline
FontsWeb standard fonts should be used as a best practice. If you need to use custom fonts that are not web standard, consult costs related to purchasing licenses for server fonts.
GraphicsWe support the usage of various graphics within the dashboard by using native objects such as web banners. Creating multiple web banners to support graphics is a relatively simple option.
IconsIcons must be from the font awesome library. This allows us to ensure the best load time of the site.
Page layoutOur platform is designed along a grid layout that is mobile responsive. This means that padding around objects such as between a web banner, and the edge of the page is not permitted.
WidgetsCustom widgets - widgets with original reporting, or standard widgets with altered designs - must be scoped into the final time and version of the dashboard design.
Changes to the top navigation menu or search barOur navigation is designed to be customized. You can change the names of menu items or hide menu items using permissions. You can also change the alignment from right to left. Request a review to see if it is possible to change the styling options of menus for example: What occurs when you mouseover a menu item? How a menu behaves when you click on it? It is best to review these styling expectations with a developer at Mindmatrix.
Application windows
Dashboard designs include the option to design the main landing page of a persona of your choice. They do not include: (1) Options to redesign global modules, such as pop-up windows. (2) Changes to interior pages, such as contact grids (3) Changes to field layouts in the User Profile or other sections (4) Changes to base functionality of Mindmatrix software.

These guidelines should serve as a framework to quickly understand what is easily possible and what is not. Still review any dashboard design with an internal development lead who can comment on:
  1. Design requirements
  2. The impact of expected changes
  3. Limitations of the design that may be rejected or modified

STEP 1 - Create a dashboard design and submit an RFP

Your design should include as much detail as possible about:
  1. The goals you would like to achieve or business use cases you are trying to solve.
  2. The persona that will use your dashboard (marketing, channel partner, etc)
  3. Any integrations that may impact displayed information on the dashboard, such as a widget or news feed.

STEP 2 - Review design feedback from a technical lead at Mindmatrix

The technical lead will comment on any design limitations. You will receive a document detailing what changes are possible to implement and what may need to be changed.

STEP 3 - If necessary, a product designer within Mindmatrix will recreate your design and include this with your technical feedback document.

This design will outline the look and feel that will be programmed by Mindmatrix developers.

STEP 4 - The customized dashboard will be recreated on a sandbox environment for review

This dashboard may differ slightly from the proposed design based on product functionality. The client will be able to review the design and sign off on all functionality that will be released to production.

STEP 5 - The dashboard widgets and appearance are finalized and it is released to production

The final version of the dashboard will be made available for users of the associated persona.