How Do I Create a Copy of an Image/Text Box?
- A copy of the selected feature (text or image) will display on the template page.
How do I Manage Pages in a Print Template and Add my Own PDFs? - Select the ‘page name’ beside the ‘Settings’ option.
NOTE: On selecting the page, you will be directed to the page in the template. You can edit the page settings from the ‘Settings’ section.
Import PDF - To import PDF, select the relevant option.
- In the required folder, select the PDF file, and click ‘Done’.
- The imported PDF file will add on to the page list.
Edit Page List - Select the page/s, click the ‘copy’ icon.
- A copy of the page will add on to the list.
- Select the page/s, click the ‘delete’ icon.
- Click ‘Yes’. The page will be deleted from the list.
- Click ‘Reorder’ to rearrange the pages.
- Hold the toggle button beside the page name, and drag it to the position of another page.
- The page will reposition to the desired spot.