How do I create a Dataroom?

How do I create a Dataroom?

Datarooms are professional-looking collections of trackable assets that users can send to potential customers. To create a data room, go to “Setup”, then “Asset Management”, and “Templates”.

Select “data room” under the dropdown and click on create.

This will bring up the personalization menu. If you wish to turn your template into a survey, select the “Questionnaire” button, otherwise, choose “None”. When you are finished, click “Go”.

This will bring up the “Data Room” window. Choose a name for your template, and if you wish, a description and set of filters. When you are finished, click “Next”.

If you wish you may also add a thumbnail for your template as well as selecting branding and theming options.

This will open up the “Data Room Editor” option. The top bar will contain the tools needed to edit the template.

Customizing appearance and SEO options

Clicking on settings will open up the “Page Information” window, which will be divided into two tabs, the “Page Setting” tab and the “Meta Information” tab. The “Page Setting tab” will allow you to customize the appearance of a page.

The “Meta Information” tab will allow you to customize SEO options.

Adding text to your Data Room

To add text or images to your word file, click on the “Add object” tab in the menu bar. If you wish to add text, click on the “Text” option.

This will open up the text editor screen,when you are finished entering in your text, click “Accept”.

This will bring up the “Formatting” window, where you can determine what your text box will look like. When you are finished, click done.

If you wish to edit anything you did in the “Formatting” window, you can click on the text box, and then click on the relevant part of the “Text Object” box.

Adding images, documents, and other assets to your dataroom

To add an image to your dataroom, click on the “Add object” tab, and then click on  “Image”.

This will open up Data room Template > Editor (data room)

You can make additional edits the “Object Property” box.

You can also add assets by clicking on the “Add Assets” tab.

From there, select the type of asset that you want, and then click save.

The latest enhancements have been integrated into the Data Room creation process. You can now include "Personalized Video" content within the Data Room, alongside the capability to incorporate 'External Links and Sites' generated within the portal.

Changing image layers.

To edit how images overlay one another, click on the image, and then click on an image and then click on the “Layers” tab.

This will open up the “Layers Palette”. Click on the image that you want to move, and then click on the alignment tab to move the image further to the front or back. Click on the alignment tab. We recommend that you give each image a distinct name to make distinguishing between them easier.

Putting the finishing touches on your template

When you are finished with your template, click “save”.

We've enhanced the Data Room feature by adding new statistics to the Card View in the "My Customized" folder. Here's how to access and understand these new stats:
  1. First, customize your Data Room
  2. Navigate to the "My Customized" folder
  3. Select the Card View

New Statistics Available:
  1. Data Room Sent: The number of times this Data Room has been distributed
  2. Data Room Views: The total number of times users have accessed this Data Room
  3. Total Assets: The count of assets currently included in this Data Room
  4. Asset Views: The cumulative number of views for all assets within this Data Room
These new statistics provide valuable insights into the engagement and effectiveness of your Data Rooms and their contents.

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