The Sales Playbook allows admins to create detailed yet easy-to-understand procedures for executing sales campaigns. Each tab in the playbook should be titled after a single objective and contain the steps necessary to achieve that objective. Each step, in turn, should contain the assets necessary to complete it. Any assets that the admin attaches (such as call scripts or emails) can be customized for each individual contact. If the Admin has any additional notes that don’t belong to any specific step, he or she can put them in the F.A.Q section.
Accessing the Sales Playbook Template Creator:
To create a template, go to the ‘Setup’ tab, then from the ‘Asset Management' section, select ‘Playbook Templates’. In the playbook template gallery, select ‘Sales’ and then click ‘Create'.
Note: On the Bridge platform, clients can personalize menu navigation to better suit the specific needs of their Users. Things may be under a different part of your navigation bar depending on your settings and customization. Contact your platform administrator, Support Team or Consultant for further assistance if you can’t find the selection noted.
Template Set Up:
Enter the name, description, and filters in the relevant field for the ‘Info’ section, and then click on the 'arrow' icon.
Optional information fields:
A. Language: Select the default localization language for this template
B. Description: add any relevant explanatory notes and comments
C. Valid From, Valid To, and Expiry Reminder: set an expiration date for your template
D. Filters and Filter Category: add search filter tags
In the ‘Setting’ section, you can choose a thumbnail for your asset by clicking “Upload a Thumbnail”. To open the editor, click “Finish”.
Settings Options:
A. Select Template Thumbnail Image
The Playbook Editor:
This will open the "Sales Playbook Template Editor".
Banner/Header sections:
A. Add Banner Image/Select banner background color
B. Enter playbook banner/header title and text.
C. Banner Preview
General Playbook settings:
Playbook Settings
A. Save (click checkbox to turn on Autosave).
B. Continue - Save and exit the editor
C. Disposition Presents - for asset recommendation
D. FAQs - Add notes regarding 'Frequently Asked Questions'
Adding Tabs and Steps/Actions:
When you are ready to begin to adding content, click on the "Add Tab" button.
Once you click on the" Add Tab" option, choose whether you want to create a "Step Action", or an Embedded Asset tab type.
Tab Types
Step action - gives us the ability to add email templates, print templates, and call scripts.
Embedded Asset - gives us the ability to add web assets, templates, images, and videos in the playbook.
Type in a name for your tab and then click on the checkmark. Name the first step related to the action which needs to be performed in the step and give a brief description of the step related to the action. Click on "Add" to add the action items in the step.
Tip: In the playbook, each tab should focus on a single goal, while the steps should outline how this goal will be achieved.
Playbook Tab options:
A. Rearrange tab order
B. Accept Changes
C. Delete tab
Step/Action options:
A. Tab Display - select label and appearance options for tabs within this step
B. And/Or toggle - select whether step completion requires the use of any one asset within a step, or ALL assets within a step.
C. Delete Step/Action
D. Reorder Step/Action within tab.
E. Move Step/Action to new tab.
Adding Assets to a Step/Action
To add an asset to a step, such as a call script, you can choose from the given options and add the asset which you wish to add.
If a step has multiple assets, use the “And/OR” button to specify whether a sales user deploy one or both assets complete a step.
To indicate how long a sales user should wait between steps, set a time span on the “delay” dropdown.
Repeat the process for as many steps as you require.
Finishing your template:
When you have finished adding your phases and steps, click "Continue".
Your template will appear in the “Playbook Gallery”.
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