How do I create a Smart List?

How do I create a Smart List?

Smart Lists are the tools to dynamically segment your contacts based on their attributes or actions. You can also share all contacts within a smart list with other users -- as long as you have permission.  Smart Lists are also used to receive notifications for any drip campaigns to which they are associated.

Note: On the Bridge platform, clients can personalize menu navigation to better suit the specific needs of their Users. Things may be under a different part of your navigation bar depending on your settings and customizations. Contact your platform administrator, Support team or Consultant for further assistance if you can’t find the selection noted.
For information how to create a Smart Lists that filters for User accounts rather than Contacts, see How can I create a "User" smart list?


1. To create a Smart List go to the My Database tab

2. Click on My Database > Contact Lists. Select Smart List on the tabs near the top of the dashboard.  Then select the Create button.

3. In the Smart List editor, under Info tab, enter the Smart List's Name, (and if you wish, write a description add search filters tags). (For Filters, start typing a filter name to choose the existing one, or create a new one then select it from the drop-down.) Click on the "Arrow" icon to move to Conditions.

4. Set Conditions under the Conditions tab. Conditions are based on the Filters which tells the system which contacts should be pulled into your Smart List.

  • Start by selecting a drop-down option under Create New Filter For Smart List, and then making a selection for each subsequent drop menu down that appears. Once you have all criteria for a given Filter, click on the blue Add button. 

  1. Repeat for all Filters that you wish to create. 

For a specific example of the filter creation process, see
  1. How do I make a list of contacts that filled out a form?

  1. Once you add your filter, it will move to the right hand side of the dialog box:

Smart List Filter Conditions Options: 
A. Period: The time period for which the list's filter conditions will apply
B. Show Anonymous? Select whether the list will show anonymous entries (e.g. anonymous web visits)
C. Select/Activate filter conditions. 
D. Filter contacts based on AND/OR combinations of Conditions. 

  1. After you finish click the arrow icon to move to Sharing

5. Click Share next to a User’s name to share the contacts in the list with another User (Note: this will not recreate the list within that User’s account, only share the contacts over)

  • When you are finished, click Next to move to Notifications & ToDo

For a more detailed breakdown of the sharing section, see How can I share Contacts using a Smart List?

6. Under Notifications & ToDo, you are able to choose your notifications or if you would like to set a ToDo. When you have made your selections, click the Finish button to save and exit back to the Smart List Gallery.

Notifications and To Do:

A. Set Notifications will create email alerts sent to the Users and/or User Groups that you selected in the previous section. 
B. Set as a To Do will generate To-Do notifications on the dashboards of the Users and/or User Groups that you selected in the previous section. A To Do is like a virtual sticky-note, meant to be checked off once finished. If you are using a CRM that supports To Do integration, it can be set-up to ‘push’ and ‘pull' between software platforms.

7. Your new list will appear under the Smart List tab. Click on an entry to view or edit. 

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