How do I enable user registration by domain?

How do I enable user registration by domain?


This feature adds a “Register” button on the login page, where new partner users can self register and login automatically into the partner portal.


All Organizations need to be set up under the primary company with the Registration section updated with their associated domain URL(s).

If there is no Organization setup with a valid domain saved in the “Registration” section, then the user account will not be created.


This will provide an automated feature to allow partner users to register themselves within their own Organizations in the Mindmatrix PRM/Partner Portal. New partner users can sign up from the login page and automatically get assigned to the respective organization.

Steps for Channel Managers & Admins:

The first step is to create all the Organizations and update the “Registration” section.
In the top navigation menu, go to Setup > User Management > Organization 

Select the organization, and go to “Views” > “Registration” 

The channel manager or admin can then enter the valid domain(s) which will be used by the partner users and their Organization.

Here you can add multiple domains. This will be verified by the domain in the email of the registering user. 

Now you have the provision to register similar domains used in different organizations. For example, if your organization's domain accepts for creating your partner user account, you have to include this domain in your organization's registration feature. Even if the same domain is used in different organizations for creating their accounts, it will still allow users to be created from your organization.

By adding the domain, when your partner attempts to register, they will have the option to select the correct organization where their user account needs to be created.

Steps for the Partner User:

Once this feature is enabled, the login page will have a “Register” button.

Clicking on “Register” will open a form asking the partner user to enter their details.

The new user needs to provide all the details and click on “NEXT” (First Name, Email, Company and Captcha are required fields).

After clicking the “Next” button, the system will verify the domain from the email address entered by the partner user. 

If there is no match, then the error message will be displayed in the email notification sent to the user.

If the domain exists in “Registration” of any Organization, it will send a confirmation email, with a link for the final confirmation step.

In this step, the User can create a password for their account. Once the partner user enters a password, selects the Organization and clicks on “Complete” it will create a User in the Organization based on the information provided.

Once the User creation process is completed, it will login the partner user to the platform.

New Feature: Registration Domains Tab

A new feature has been introduced that allows you to map organization domain names during the import process. This enhancement streamlines user registration and organization management. A new tab called "Registration Domains" has been added to the import process. This tab includes a field named "Domains" where you can map domain information for each organization.

Steps to Map Domain Names

  1. During Import Process:

    1. Navigate to the import section.

    2. Locate the new "Registration Domains" tab.

    3. Find the "Domains" field within this tab.

    4. Map the domain information for each organization to this field.

  2. After Import:

    1. Go to Setup > Organizations.

    2. Open the desired organization.

    3. Click on the "More" button in the dropdown menu.

    4. Select the "Registration" option.

    5. The domain information will be displayed here.

Verifying Domain Information

To verify that the domain information has been correctly mapped:

  1. Navigate to the Organization page (Setup > Organizations).

  2. Open any organization you wish to verify.

  3. Click on the "More" button in the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the "Registration" option.

  5. The domain information for that organization will be displayed.


  1. Streamlined user registration process

  2. Improved organization management

  3. Easy verification of domain mappings

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