How do I prepare to create my own playbooks in Mindmatrix?

How do I prepare to create my own playbooks in Mindmatrix?

It is possible to personalize navigation menus within Mindmatrix software. If you are unable to navigate to the correct page, contact your platform administrator.
In Mindmatrix, playbooks can be used to guide users through step processes within the platform. These step processes can be strict-in that users must follow them exactly-or flexible.

Every playbook comes with its own branding and personalization options. The purpose of this guide is to walk you through how to prepare to personalize and brand your own playbooks.

To understand what options are included and how to prepare to utilize them, continue reading below:

Thumbnail icon

  1. This icon is created using any web standard image format. We recommend a high resolution PNG.
  2. The thumbnail can include text within the image OR be overlaid with text using the "Show Title" setting within the customize widget menu.

Dimensions: 600px W x 635px H

This will appear within the following pages in the product:
  1. On the main dashboard using Internal Playbook v2 - 

  1. Within the internal playbook section as card or thumbnail view -

Within any internal playbook, there is a customizable web banner that stretches the width of the screen. You can choose to leave this blank, or upload your own image to brand or personalize the playbook further.


As an administrator, you can add this banner or opt to keep the background of the playbook a solid color with text only.

If you wish to customize your Playbook with a banner, you will need an image with the following dimensions:

Preparing materials to request playbook setup assistance from Support:

For each playbook, you will need:
  1. One thumbnail icon per playbook, dimensions: 600px W * 600px H
  2. One banner for the internal playbook page, dimensions: 1875px W * 200px H
  3. Font hexadecimal colors for the banner TEXT and DESCRIPTION
  4. A possible background image color for the web banner space (if you do not wish to use an image)
  5. An asset-audit spreadsheet divided into steps for your playbook with text applied
With these compiled, submit a ticket to