If you wish to leave a rating or comment on an asset, you first need to find it in the asset gallery. You can reach this part of the platform by going to the “Assets” tab and selecting one of the subfolders, or selecting “Setup”, then “Asset Management” and then “Templates”.
Path A:

Path B:
From there, click on the “star” icon on the thumbnail of the asset that you wish to rate.
Here, you can rate the asset on a scale of one to five and leave comments. When you are finished, click “Submit”
Just like the other asset types you can now leave ratings and feedback for Courses and Curriculum:
Navigate to the Course and Curriculum page by following this path Setup>Asset Management> Here you will see both the menus Course and Curriculum
Here you can leave the ratings and Feedback on all three views.
First, we will see the ‘Grid’ view and where you can leave the ratings.
On visiting the courses or curriculum page on grid view. You can click on the star icon and it will open a window where you can rate the asset on a scale of one to five and leave comments.
When you are finished, click “Submit”
Similarly, you can follow the above steps for List and Card view.