How do I create a web form Brand Theme format?

How do I create a web form Brand Theme format?

For more information on how to create a brand or access the Brand Theme Editor, see: How do I Create a Brand?

From the Brand Template Editor, click on the "More" drop-down menu, select "Theme Types", and then click "Create". 

Brand Theme Editor Options: 

A. Select Web Form Theme

B. Create New Web Form Theme

C. Edit Web Form Theme's Parser Name

D. Delete Web Form Theme

E. Create/Edit Web Form Theme's Display Name

F. Add Data Entry Field (For entering HTML or CSS formatting code)

Select/create a web form Theme. (If you are creating a new Theme, enter a display name). Then select “Add Field”. 

Give your field a name and then click “save”.

Enter your formatting code.

Data Field Options: 
A. Edit Data Field Parser Name
B. Delete Data Field
C. Select Data Field Color from Brand Color Palette

Repeat until you have entered all formatting code. When you are finished, click “Save”.

Best Practices Tip:  

Use the following field names to style a Mindmatrix form:

  1. formfooter - This is the space at the bottom of your form.

  2. formLabel - this is the text label outside of each field.

  3. formField - this is the field itself. Change this to alter the appearance of the form field.

  4. formtextarea - if you use a textarea field, this will style this space.

Below is an example using HTML code:

…and an example Using CSS code:

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