How do I view reports on my drip email campaigns?

How do I view reports on my drip email campaigns?

It is possible to personalize navigation menus within Mindmatrix software. If you are unable to navigate to the correct page, contact your platform administrator.

There are three ways to access the reports on your drip email campaigns. The most straightforward method is to go to “Reports”, then “Drip Campaign”.  



From there, click on the campaign that you would like to examine.



This will open up a spreadsheet summary of the individual email performance on the campaign.


A new "Time Range" column has been added to the media section, [the section from which we launch campaigns] of the email drip campaign report. This column indicates the timing or the time range during which the email was sent to the contacts/users. This column will also be included when you export the report.

You can also go to “Manage”, then “Campaigns”, and then “Drips”, then click on the "Report" option of the drip that you want to examine.


A new collective date range button is added to the wizard. If you click on Email Sent, Opened and Link Clicked on the Stopped and Running Contacts/User email drip campaign in the report section from the media side you will see the collective button where you can filter the contacts by different date ranges and also it has the option to enter custom date as well.

Email Sent:

Email Opened:

Links Clicked:

This will open up the “Edit Drip Campaign” window. Click on the “Report” option on the “Views” drop down.  This will also open up the spreadsheet.

Now you have the option to send drip email reports directly to your email address. If you click the download button to export the report, a pop-up window will open with the report name (Title) and the option to send the report via email. Once the toggle button is selected to reflect, YES, the report will be sent to the user’s email. This new feature is enabled in all the places where you have the option to download the drip report.

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