- count = active contact count created in its company by a user who opened any email
- activity Date = the most recent activity performed by any active contact created by the user in its company whose most recent activity is not null.
- status = getStatus(count, activity Date);
- count = the number of distinct active templates created by the user in its company
- activity Date = the most recent active media created by the user in its company
- status = getStatus(count, activity Date);
EmailActivityStatus: - count = total number of emails sent and created by users
- activityDate = the most recent active email sent by the user in its company.
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
LeadGeneratedStatus: - count = total active leads requested by the user in its company;
- activityDate = most recent lead requested by the user;
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
LoginStatus: - count = total logins for the user
- activityDate = last login date of the user
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
MediaActivityStatus: - count = total media created by users
- activityDate = most recently created media by users
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
MediaCreatedStatus: - count = total media created by users
- activityDate = most recently created media by user
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
OpportunityStatus: - count = total opportunities created by users
- activityDate = most recently created opportunity by user
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
PlaybookActivityStatus: - count = total playbook media created by user
- activityDate = most recently created playbook media by user
- status = getStatus(count, activityDate);
ContactStatus: the user's total contacts of the relevant status. UserEngagementStatus: the user's engagement status as determined by their score. SocialDripCampaignCreatedStatus: the most recent social drip created on status (based on activity-based status). SocialDripCampaignRunningStatus: the most recent social drip status at the time of publication (based on activity-based status). DripCampaignCreatedStatus: status of the most recent drip created (status based on activity-based status). DripCampaignRunningStatus: the most recent drip status as of the last running time (based on activity-based status).