How to create Cases or sync them with CRM?

How to create Cases or sync them with CRM?


This functionality will be used to create Cases and can be synced with CRMs.

Who will be using this?

Any user having Cases permission can view/create/edit/own it. Only Super Admins have access to create Case custom fields layout aka Case Type.


A case is a customer’s question, feedback, or issue. Support agents/Channel Managers can review cases to see how they can deliver better service. Sales reps/Channel Partners can use cases to see how they affect the sales process. Responding to cases keeps your partners happy and enhances your brand.

For Super Admin

From any screen, navigate to the "Setup" tab > Custom Fields > Case Custom Fields.

On clicking the Case Custom Fields; will open a page displaying lists of all field layouts which were created. Icon used is (fa-briefcase).

On clicking the Create button, A step wizard to create Case fields layout will be shown which will have 3 tabs; “Info”, “Fields” and “Layout”’.

a.  The Info tab tab will have “Name” and “Description” fields which represent a particular Case layout.

b. The "Fields" tab is the second default tab where fields can be added

When fields are added, all field types are available in this tab besides Images and Documents

The “Add Field” modal contains only ‘Select Field Type’, ‘Enter Field Display Name’ and ‘Enter Parser Name’ as mandatory fields for all types. ‘Character Range’ fields for Text, Text Area and HTML Text Area.

For ‘Date-Time’ it will show the field for ‘Format’. ‘Field Data’ and ‘Field Data Value’ for Drop Down.

The Parser and Label name of the field will check for uniqueness among custom fields as well as with the static fields.

When a field is added to the tab, the “Edit” and “Move” icon for fields will behave the same as it does for Contact fields in Setup.

The “Eye” icon is to indicate if the field is to be displayed for all Companies in the Install. Once created a field can be hidden (made inactive) but cannot be deleted.

The inactive field will be disabled and the icon will change to (fa-eye-slash). Default when a field is added it will be active for all. If all the fields in a tab are made inactive then on SAVE the tab will also be made inactive.

Once the fields are SAVED and after confirmation of it, the tab(s) and fields will be displayed for Users of the respective Company.

c. Case field layout can be shared with users.

Also, SA users can map searching with Case fields just like we do for opportunities. (refer below image)

For Sales Rep/Channel Partners/Admin

Users having Cases permission, can see the menu under the Manage menu.

Clicking on Cases, it will show Cases records created/shared having Case Types on the left shown as folders. Case Types are nothing but Case Field Layout created by Super Admin as mentioned above.

Creating Case -

On click of Create Record button, it will open the Case step wizard with 2 steps.

1. Search & Create Case

There is a Search Assets option provided similar to what exists in the Create Opportunities step wizard. Search will be based on the Case field mapped under Asset Configuration.

2. Additional Information

Under this step, there are several sub tabs namely Contacts, Opportunities, Documents and Images, along with Related Assets and Additional Information (these tabs are disabled similar to opportunity). The creator can associate one to many records to resp. Case to provide reference.

If a user has permission to view users, he can change the ownership of resp. records (cog icon). Also, Status/Stage and Priority can be updated in this step.





Editing Case -

1. A user can select a record to edit the same as shown below.

2. There will be a pop-up with Resolution tab selected by default. Resolution tab is nothing but replies submitted by users. Any user who can see Case Type can edit record(s) as well as be able to reply to the Case under the Resolution tab.

Cases Integration in AMP

This feature allows integrating Cases of Salesforce with AMP and syncing all the Cases along with the Accounts, Opportunities and Contacts associated with it.

CRM Fields

1. Owner/Creator of the Case(i.e. Salesforce User)

2. Contact(s) associated with the Case.

3. Account associated with the Case.(Organization in AMP)

4. Status of the Case(New, Working, On Hold, Escalated, Closed)

5. Type (Problem,Request,Question)

6. Comments, Descriptions, Subject

7. Case Origin(Email,Phone,Web,Chatter,In person, Chatter Answer, App Email, Web Email, Support

Email, Info Email)

8. Case Reason.

9. Priority (Urgent, High, Medium, Low)

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