It is possible to personalize navigation menus within Mindmatrix software. If you are unable to navigate to the correct page, contact your platform administrator.
Mindmatrix allows you to create organizations and assign roles to users with respect to their designation.
To set up an Organization, follow the steps mentioned below:
Access the “Organizations” gallery, by going to the Setup tab, and then selecting “User Management”.
From there, select "Organizations" and click on the "Create" button.
When you have filled out all mandatory (red asterisk) data fields, click on on the arrow icon to move to the “Add Users” section.
Use the add/remove toggles to select which Users will belong to the Organization. (Note that a user can only belong to one Organization at a time). When you are finished, click on the arrow icon.
Any roles that you select using the add/remove toggle will automatically apply to all users within the Organization. When you have made your selections, click on the “Finish” button.
Your new organization will appear in your gallery.