How do I Import Users?

How do I Import Users?

Note: Only administrators have access to this feature. Please contact your administrator or reach out to for assistance.

1) Go to Setup > User Management > Import Users:

(Note: If your top navigation menu is customized, navigate to your “Import Users” page.)

2) Click on Import. Only .csv or .txt files can be used.

3) Click to upload the file from your computer.

4) Select the file if you have it already uploaded in your documents or Upload a New file and click on the top right arrow to go to the next step.

5) The next step is “Field Mapping”. This screen has multiple options:

  • Overwrite Current Users Data – If a user already exists with the same email address (unique ID), this option will overwrite their information with the new data you’re importing.

Creating a new user recipient list has never been more straightforward. Type the desired name into the appropriate field. Should the list be unique, it will be presented as a novel choice in the dropdown menu, enabling you to establish and select this new list.

Please check the below screenshot for the existing users list:

  • Recipient Lists – A default list will be created based on your import with the date and time of the import. You can also click the “+” sign to add to a list.

  • Field mapping – Map your spreadsheet column headings with the user fields in the platform. Select the drop downs to match. For example, your spreadsheet may have “Cell Phone” which can be mapped to “Mobile Number” and so on until all proper fields are mapped. 

6) If you’d like to immediately send an email notification with the temporary password to login, select the “On” next to “Send Temporary Password Email”. You can send this email to one of the following:

  • New User: The new users you’re creating from the import

  • Myself: “You” aka the admin user you’re logging into while creating the new users

  • Specific User: Select a user from the drop down you’d like to send it to

  • Select “Off” next to “Send Temporary Password Email” if you’d like to skip this entirely.


  • If selected, the user will automatically receive an email with a link to the login page, their username, and a temporary password. Please note: The temporary password will expire in accordance with the security protocol. 

Once this is done, click on the top right arrow to go to the next step.

7) User Groups: Select “Add” to add the users in your import to their respective user group(s). This will give them the proper permissions they need in the platform. Click the top right arrow to go to the next step.

8) Organization: If these are partner users who all belong to the same organization, select “Add” next to their organization.

If this is not a partner user list, or they belong to different organizations, skip this step by clicking on the top right next arrow.

9) Assign as Manager: If the users in your import are channel managers that need to be assigned to an organization group as a manager, select “add” on the group(s) they should manage. All the users in the import will be assigned to the groups selected. If not, skip this step.

10) Click on “finish” to complete the import.

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