Getting Started:
You need to contact the support team for allowing the GoToWebinar integration feature with Mindmatrix company. This feature, once granted, will be available to your Mindmatrix company users. Only the super admin can map fields of Mindmatrix contacts with GoToWebinar registration fields. Both super admin and company users can activate/deactivate connectivity for their respective accounts.
Stage 1:
Log into your Mindmatrix account. Click on your profile icon and then click on the “view” hyperlink that will appear in the upper left-hand corner. You will be directed to the profile info page, from there, click on the “Configure Add-on” hyperlink.
The Add-Ons Settings Menu contains the following sections:
Time Interval (we recommend 24 hours to reduce the number of API calls).
Webinar Start Date: This selection will allow you to choose how far back to go. AMP will pull in some of your past webinars so that you have the statistical data in your amp system - then are able to make that data actionable. (We recommend choosing the past 3 months.)
Webinar Extra Fields: The fields imported from GoToWebinar account and stored are: ID, UserId, WebinarID, WebinarKey, Subject, Description, Date (date part from start time), StartTime (time part from start time), EndTime (time part from end time), TimeZone, InSession, OrganizerKey, RegistrationURL, CreatedOn, UpdatedOn
It will take 1-2 hours to process the first batch, however, you can click on Finish before.
After the authentication is done then all the Webinars associated with the User in GoToWebinar account will be imported into the AMP (This will be imported into the Webinar table created for this.)
What happens if users register for the webinar?
When any of the User’s contact registers to a Webinar in GoToWebinar account then the contact will be synced into AMP. This process is like any other CRM import of contacts where it will check for the email and mobile for existence and if it exists then it will update or else create a new contact. The particular Webinar will be associated with the contact. A contact can be associated with multiple webinars.
The contact and webinar association will be stored in a table which will have fields as: -
ID, WebinarID, ContactId, registered, attended, join time, leave time, questions asked (bool), no of questions asked and for the chart, there will be a day-wise entry for registered and attended.
There will also be a table for questions and answers with fields: -
ID, WebinarID, AskedBy (contactId), Question, answer
Stage 2:
Allowing the User who has GoToWebinar integrated to create a smart list, lead scoring, and drip condition based on GoToWebinar.
The smart list, lead scoring, and drip condition tools have the option of GoToWebinar-based conditions. To access this feature within the “Conditions” section of any of the above tools:
First, select the “GoToWebinar” filter.
Then choose whether the list will include data from “any” webinar or a specific webinar.
Lastly, select an option from the “Select Your Activity” drop down menu.
The options under the “Select your Activity” drop-down menu are as follows:
Registered – Any or specific
Attended – Any or specific
Not attended – Any or specific
Completed – Any or specific
Time attended – For any or specific - equal to, greater than, lesser than, between, not between
Interacted – Yes or No for any or specific
Allowing the User who has GoToWebinar integrated to register a contact to a webinar.
In contact > Views > GoToWebinar, clicking on which it will list all the active webinars (i.e. those webinars whose start time is greater than now.) of the Users.
There will be folders for All (default), Added, and Not added. Once the user adds to a webinar, it will register the contact to that seminar.
Allowing the User of the company for which GoToWebinar integration is set to true to use the webinar fields in templates (email and web) as well as linking a “Call to action” to webinar registration.
In the editor, while configuring the “Call to action” button for users who have been integrated with GoToWebinar, there will be an option to register to Webinar. It will ask User to pick an active Webinar (one which is not started while creating the media) and once the contact fills the form it will automatically register the contact to that particular webinar.
For such Users in a template where we provide the AMP fields option, there will be one for GoToWebinar which will contain fields as:
Subject (Name)
While creating Media, the thumbnail will appear different than the others, this means that there is a data source tied to this template. Just like a Database based template, it will ask to pick one record of an active Webinar and it will parse the values based on it.