How to share your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn URLs

How to share your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn URLs

Posted by The Team at Mindmatrix on 07 October 2014 12:00 PM

How to share your Twitter URL with others

On your twitter homepage, click the “Settings and help” icon on the top right corner

Select “Settings” from the dropdown

You will be directed to your Account details

Beneath “Username” you will see a link that goes like:

Select this link and share with your connections.


How to share your Facebook URL with others

Select the tiny arrow icon on the extreme top-right of your homepage

You will be directed to your General Account Settings page

Across “Username” you will see a link that goes like:

However, you cannot select this link directly. To select it, click on edit. You will see the link again.

Select this link and share with your connections.


How to share your LinkedIn URL with others

Hover your mouse over “Profile” and choose “Edit profile” on your navigation menu on your homepage

This will take you to your profile page

Underneath your profile picture, you will see a link in tiny fonts that is your personal URL

You can share that link with others


You also have the option to customize your URL on LinkedIn

Go to this link:

On the top right corner, you will see a “Your public profile URL” box

You will see your current URL (the one we also saw above), under which you have the option to customize your URL

Your URL should contain 5-30 letters or numbers

You can now share your new URL with everyone

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