To create an MDF plan advanced search list, click on Manage > MDF Approval > MDF Approval Plans > Advanced Search.
Click on the “create search list” option.
Type in a name for your search list and then click on the "arrow" icon.
Optional information fields:
A. Description: add any relevant explanatory notes and comments
B. Filters: add search filter tags
Use the drop-down menus to create a Condition Filter, when you have made your selections, click "Add". Repeat for each Condition Filter.
Select any Condition Filters you wish to apply to your list, and then click on the "arrow" icon.
Filters Added Options:
A. Select Filters
B. Advanced (apply Filters in AND/OR combinations)
If you wish to receive email notifications when the list receives new entries, click on email box. Otherwise, click "Finish".
Notification Options
A. Email