SFDC: CRM Sync Setting and Integration

SFDC: CRM Sync Setting and Integration

The sections and functions related to CRM Sync Setting and Integration are listed below:


Please review below for the functions and its description: 

1. Time Interval:  It essentially illustrates how long synchronization should take.

2. Edition:  We can select the SFDC Edition that you have on Salesforce.

3. Please select the name of the package installed:  In this section we can select the MM SFDC package which is installed in your salesforce org.

4. Should mandatory fields be synced with the 'Unknown' value? :  When it is enabled, it will be synced the Mandatory field with “unknown” value when we pushed to CRM.

5. Do you want to override an existing owner in MM when a lead or contact is synced from CRM to MM? : 

When it is enabled, then it will override the existing owner in MM. When leads or contacts are synced from CRM to MM, if it is disabled, then it will not override the existing owner of Lead/contact sync from CRM to MM. 


1.Should Contact be 'pulled from' CRM? :

When it is enabled it will pull the 'Contact' from SFDC to mm.

2. Should Contact be 'pushed to' CRM? :

When it is enabled it will push the 'Contact' from MM to SFDC.

3. Should Activity be 'pushed to' CRM? :

When it is enabled it will send the 'Activity' from MM to SFDC.

4. Should Dos be 'pushed to' CRM? :

When it is enabled then it will send the 'To Dos' from MM to SFDC.

5. Should Referring Partner Details be pushed? 

This tab is used to push the referral partner details of contact.

6. Should Affiliated Partner Details be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is used to push the affiliated partner details of contact.

7. Should AMP override the owner?
If you want to override the owner of SFDC to MM Owner of the record.

8. Should account fields be updated when pushing contact?
If you want to push the updated data of the related account of the contact to CRM.
9. Do you want to assign integrator as owner?
When we pull data to MM then lead/contact owner change be the MM integrator.
10. Should contact be deleted when contact is deleted in MM? 
If any contact is deleted in Mind Matrix then it will be deleted in Salesforce.
11. Should Contact be deleted when Contact is deleted in Salesforce?
If any contact is deleted in salesforce then it will be deleted in Mind Matrix.
12. CRM Push 
Select the push condition of contact.

13. Select a CRM field for Contacts

Here you can select the salesforce fields for filter criteria that should sync to the Mind Matrix portal based on the condition. Example:  if you want to sync only lead/contact whose “Sync To MM” is True. 

“Sync to MM” is a field in Salesforce. If this checkbox is checked then only those records sync to the Mind Matrix portal.

  1. Provide comma-separated values for the import field
    In this field, you have to give the value i.e. true. For example, “Sync To MindMatrix” will selected on “Select a CRM field for Contacts” and true will written on “Provide comma-separated values for the import field”

14. Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while inserting a new record in SFDC?
By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not while inserting a record from Mind Matrix to SFDC. 

15. Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while updating existing records in SFDC?

By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not while updating a record from Mind Matrix to SFDC

16. Click on the button to re-start the import from CRM afresh
When we click on this “Switch To First Import” button it pulls all the records that met the import criteria


1. Should Leads be 'pulled from' CRM? 
This is used to pull the lead from Salesforce to MM.

2. Should Leads be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This is used to push the lead from MM to salesforce.

3. Updated shared leads to be automatically synced?

This is used for three-way syncing let's take an example in one company there are three organizations and in these three organizations, we have different CRMs that are connected. Now one CRM got one lead and that CRM shared that lead with the Main company. The main company shared that lead to other two organizations. So when the lead is updated in one CRM then it will automatically updated on other CRMs also.

4. Should Activity be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is used to push the activity of the lead.

5. Should Dos be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is used to push the to-dos of the lead.

6. Should AMP override the owner?
If you want to override the owner of SFDC to MM Owner of the record.

7. Push lead as contact when Lead is unchecked? 
This tab is checked the then contact is pushed from mm to salesforce.

8. Should Referring Partner Details be pushed? 
This tab is used to push the referral partner details of the lead.

9. Should Affiliated Partner Details be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is used to push the affiliated partner details of the lead.

10. Do you want to assign an integrator as owner?
When we pull data to MM then lead/contact owner changes be the MM integrator

11. Should contact be deleted when contact is deleted in MM?
If any contact is deleted in Mind Matrix then it will be deleted in Salesforce.

12. Should Contact be deleted when Contact is deleted in Salesforce?
If any contact is deleted in salesforce then it will be deleted in Mind Matrix.

13. Should Deals be synced in real-time? 
This check box is checked for the push of the deal in real-time.

14. Select a CRM field for Contacts.
Here you can select the salesforce fields for filter criteria that should sync to the Mind Matrix portal based on the condition. Example:  if you want to sync only lead/contact whose “Sync To MM” is True. 

“Sync to MM” is a field in Salesforce. If this checkbox is checked then only those records sync to the Mind Matrix portal.

  1. Provide comma-separated values for the import field

In this field, you have to give the value i.e. true. For example, “Sync To Mindmatrix” will selected on “Select a CRM field for Contacts” and true will written on “Provide comma-separated values for the import field

15. Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while inserting a new record in SFDC?
By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not while inserting a record from Mind Matrix to SFDC. 

* Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while updating existing records in SFDC?

By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not while updating a record from Mind Matrix to SFDC

16. Select a CRM field for deal rejection.
Here we have to select the salesforce field that is used to reject i.e. Status ( Lead status)

- Provide comma-separated rejection values: (enter the values in comma-separated)
Here we have to enter the values which are used for rejection i.e. unqualified, rejected

Overall condition is:  Status  = unqualified

17. Click on the button to re-start the import from CRM afresh
when we click on this “Switch To First Import” button it pulls all the records from CRM that met the import criteria


1. Should Opportunities be 'pulled from' CRM? 
This is used to pull the opportunities from SFDC to MM

2. Should Opportunities be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This is used for push the opportunities from MM to SFDC.

3. Should Referring Partner Details be pushed?
This is used for the referring partner details push from MM.

4. Should Affiliated Partner Details be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This is used for push of affiliated partner details from MM.

5. Should opportunities be pushed to CRM in real time? 
Opportunities push in real time.

6. Should Opportunities be deleted when Opportunities is deleted in Salesforce? 
Opportunities are deleted in salesforce then it is deleted from MM.

7. Should Opportunities be deleted when Opportunities is deleted in MM? 
Opportunities are deleted in MM then it is deleted from SFDC.

8. Select a CRM field for Importing Opportunities.

Here you can select the salesforce fields for filter criteria that should sync to the Mind Matrix portal based on the condition. Example:  if you want to sync only opportunities who’s “Sync to MM” is true. 

“Sync to MM” is a field in Salesforce. If this checkbox is checked then only those records sync to the Mind Matrix portal.

  1.  Provide comma-separated values for the import field

In this field, you have to give the value i.e. true. For example, “Sync to MindMatrix” will selected on “Select a CRM field for Importing Opportunities” and true will written on “Provide values from the field to import Opportunities

9. Need Advanced Import Criteria:
Here we can make an advanced condition with multiple filters like (status=lead and id=’2323’) or (name like ‘test’ or name like ‘test data’).
 So, based on this condition it pulls data from CRM

10. Default Opportunity Owner:
 Here this is used to push the record 
When you select “Integrator Login” - when you push the opportunity record to CRM the record owner will be the integrator user.
“Opportunity Owner” - when you push the opportunity record to CRM the record owner will be the user who owns this opportunity. 
“Opportunity Account Owner” - when you push the opportunity record to CRM the record owner will be the account owner related to the opportunity.

11. Push associated Contacts.
Here we can push the contacts that are associated with particular opportunities.

12. CRM Push 
Select the push condition of opportunity. When you create an opportunity. 

13. Select Record Type for Push.
Here we can select the SFDC Record types for push.

14. Should account fields be updated when pushing opportunities?
Here the account records are mapped in opportunity i.e. Account, Amount, or Account Type. If these records are updated then these records will also update to CRM while pushing opportunities.

15. Should approved deals be pushed when pushing opportunities?
Here is anything updated on the approved deals it pushed to CRM while pushing opportunities.

16. Do you want to maintain the relationship between the deal and converted opportunity while pulling?

Here it will maintain the relationship between the converted opportunity which is pulled from Salesforce and the deal which is submitted in the Portal.

17. By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not. If checked, the Salesforce Auto Assignment will not trigger

- Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while inserting a new record in SFDC?
- Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while updating existing records in SFDC?

18. Click on the button to re-start the import from CRM afresh

When we click on this “Switch to First Import” button it pulls all the records from CRM that met the import criteria


1. Should Organizations be 'pulled from' CRM? 
This tab is enabled then the Organizations will be pulled.

2. Should Organizations be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is enabled then Organizations push toward SFDC.

3. Should organizations be pushed to CRM in real-time?
This tab enables the organization to push in real-time.

4. Do you want to push the newly pulled organizations?
Here when the new organization is pulled then on the next sync the pulled organization is pushed to CRM.

5. Should organization be deleted (including users) when IsPartner is Un-checked in CRM
- Here in the CRM when the IsPartner field was unchecked in the account object then organization (account) and user (related contact) will be deleted in MindMatrix Portal.

6. The Time span (in Days) for the deletion to take effect after IsPartner is Unchecked.
- Here you can control the timespan when deletion happens on the MindMatrix portal and you will get an email notification before deletion.

7. Select the field to sync Organizations from SFDC

Here it is used for the detection of duplicates.
Example: The external ID is different but the name is the same if you're using some GUID for every record then we can detect the duplication of accounts.

8. Select Default Group to pull the Organization

When the account (organization) is synced to the MindMatrix portal it will go to the particular user group (profile/role)

9. Should child accounts be pushed to CRM (this is used for opportunity)? And the label “should be should parent accounts be pushed to CRM”?

Here this is used for push opportunity parent account i.e. the user who created that organization (parent account)

10. Should Affiliated Partner Details be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is enabled then the affiliated partner's details are pushed to SFDC.

11. Should Check Is Partner Enabled for CRM? 
Here this is used to check while pushing an organization to CRM if the created organization is under IsPartner field is enabled or not in CRM.
I.e. if the checkbox is checked the query will be checked like “select id, name from account where MindMatrix_IsPartner__c = true”

12. Do you want to uncheck IsPartner when an organization is deleted from MindMatrix
Here if the organization is deleted in MindMatrix then automatically it will uncheck the IsPartner field in CRM. 

13. By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not. If checked, the Salesforce Auto Assignment will not trigger

- Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while inserting a new record in SFDC?

- Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while updating existing records in SFDC?

14. Click on the button to re-start the import from CRM afresh


1 Should Users be 'pulled from' CRM? 
This tab is enabled then the Users will be pulled.

2. Should Users be 'pushed to' CRM?
This tab is enabled then Users push toward SFDC.

3. Should users be shut down when PortalAccess is un-checked in CRM, if the PortalAccess trigger is not used for syncing users then the shutdown process needs to be done at the organization level.

When you uncheck the portal access field in salesforce CRM then the user in the MindMatrix portal will be deleted.
If the portal access concept is not used in syncing the user then the shutdown process follows the organization IsPartner unchecked process (you can look into the organization topic for more details)

4. The time span (in Days) for the shutdown to take effect after PortalAccess is un-checked

Here we can control the Days when the user will shut down after the portal access field is unchecked in Salesforce. Here we also get an email notification before deletion.

5. Provisioning Mechanism (SSO and TM):
 Here this is a mechanism 
TM: if you want to sync only basic pull and push for all objects
SSO: if you want to sync the SSO SFDC Community User i.e. partner users.
Both: here we can use both TM and SSO Functionality at a time.

6. Should partner/users be pushed to CRM in real time?
Here this is used for real time sync of users to CRM.

7. Check for partner portal access 

Here when this checkbox is checked we pull only those users (contact in salesforce) whose Portal Access is checked in CRM under the Account IsPartner checkbox checked
For example: In One Account 10 contacts are there and you want to give only 5 users to the mind matrix portal access. So for that 5 users select the portal access checkbox checked. It will sync to Mind Matrix.

8. Should Activity be 'pushed to' CRM? 
This tab is enabled then the User's Activity be pushed toward SFDC.

9. Should the Partner be pushed as primary contact if it is marked as primary for the partner?

Primary Contact is an exposed static field in User field mapping. This can be mapped with any standard/custom checkbox field of SFDC. 

This works only with Push (MM>SFDC).

The value will be true for any user getting pushed from MM to SFDC is the user is marked as Primary Contact inside a Master Agent organization.

10. Should the Contact's Custom Field be pushed with the Partner?
This tab is used for pushing the contact custom field with the user.

11. Do you want to uncheck Portal Access when the user is deleted from MM?
This tab is used to uncheck the partner portal access Checkbox when the user is deleted from AMP.

12. Do you want to notify the user before they get shut down?

13. Select Default Group to pull the User
Here you can select the default group for users who pulled from SFDC.

14. By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not. If checked, the Salesforce Auto Assignment will not trigger

- Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while inserting a new record in SFDC?

- Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while updating existing records in SFDC?

15.  Click on the button to re-start the import from CRM afresh


1. Should Cases be 'pulled from' CRM? 
This tab is used for pull cases from SFDC to MM.

2. Should Cases be 'pushed to' CRM?
This tab is used to push the cases MM to SFDC.

3. Do you want to pull file(s) attached to cases? 
This tab is used to pull the cases file MM to SFDC.

4. Do you want to push file(s) attached to cases?
This tab is used to push the cases file MM to SFDC.

5. Should Cases be deleted when Cases are deleted in Salesforce?
This tab is enabled then the cases are deleted in SFDC from MM.

6. Should Cases be deleted when Cases are deleted in MM? 
This tab is enabled then the cases are deleted in MM from SFDC.

7. Select a CRM field for Cases <===== Provide values from the field to import Cases

Here you can select the salesforce fields for filter criteria that should sync to the Mind Matrix portal based on the condition. Example:  if you want to sync only cases whose “Sync to MM” is true. 

“Sync to MM” is a field in Salesforce. If this checkbox is checked then only those records sync to the Mind Matrix portal.

  1.  Provide comma-separated values for the import field

In this field, you have to give the value i.e. true. For example, “Sync to MindMatrix” will selected on “Select a CRM field for Cases” and true will written on “Provide values from the field to import Cases

8. By using the below feature you can control if the Salesforce Auto Owner Assignment rule should be triggered or not. If checked, the Salesforce Auto Assignment will not trigger

9. Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while inserting a new record in SFDC?

10. Do you want to disable the Salesforce auto assignment while updating existing records in SFDC?

11. Click on the button to re-start the import from CRM afresh


1. Should Certifications be pushed to CRM?
If you want to push the certification given by partners to Salesforce custom object.

2. Please Select the API name for you certification custom object
Here please select the Salesforce custom objects name.

Custom Object Mapping:
  1.  To Create a custom object in the PRM portal click on setup < custom fields < product custom fields

  1. Here you can give the custom object name i.e. Partner Product Sales Details and add your custom fields by clicking  Add Another Form field i.e. Electronic name, Elc Date, etc.

*Now go to crmsetting  by Setup < CRM < CRM Setting

  1. Click on the gray tab with the name SFDC it opens a popup with the below screen
  2. In the common tab setting you can manage the Time Interval for custom objects of data sync i.e. 10 mins, 1 hrs, etc.


*  Now click on More and go to the Custom Tab setting.

* Here you can Map the PRM portal custom object with the SFDC custom object

* Click on More and go to the custom sync setting

* Here you can manage, the data records that should be pulled from SFDC to the PRM portal and push data records from the PRM portal to SFDC. Just Enable the checkbox for pull and  push or disable the checkbox to stop pull and push

*Just hit on Save

* Now click on More and go to Custom Map Fields.


*Here you can map the SFDC custom fields to the PRM portal custom fields
*when the data sync to SFDC to PRM portal, the data will stored on this custom fields.
*Just hit the SAVE atlast.

*When data syncing starts, to see your custom data records you have to navigate to Manage < DatabaseRecords
* Here you can see the synced records from SFDC
*Here you can create the records and that records will synced to the SFDC custom object.


*Here is how the form looks with custom fields
*Here you can enter your record data

*Here is the SFDC Custom object which is mapped with PRM portal custom object.
* When you create data in SFDC it will sync to PRM portal in 10 mins (based on sync time interval)
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