We release regular software updates that cover enhancements to our software as well as solutions to address bugs and updates.
The following article details what you can expect out of our release note process.
What is a global release?
A global release is a feature or update that is usable by all clients who utilize Mindmatrix software. Sometimes, our clients have great ideas that can improve the performance of Mindmatrix software and we incorporate it into a global release. To submit a feature request, you can email our team at
How long does a global release take?
Global releases are part of our general release cycle and do not take a set amount of time. This is because they are scheduled against our:
1. General release roadmap
2. Regular maintenance and updates
I submitted a feature request and was told it was a global enhancement -- how long does that take?
Depending upon the complexity of your request, this can take anywhere from ninety days to even a year or more based on requirements. If you need a particular enhancement within a given time frame, we recommend submitting an RFP to evaluate whether or not you can budget a custom change for your business. Mindmatrix does accept paid enhancement requests for some features which can be scheduled based on resources and needs.
I submitted a feature request, and was asked to submit a RFP for custom work -- if it's accepted, how long does that take?
Once custom work is accepted, you will receive estimated hours and a scope of time per completion. Based upon the amount of hours required to complete custom work, you will receive a schedule as part of your work order request.
Release schedules:
Monday Night - Emergencies
Thursday Night - Planned releases and updates