What are the ticketing system categories?

What are the ticketing system categories?

There are multiple categories within the ticketing system to help our support team track the types of concerns submitted by clients.

Below are descriptions of these categories. 

Bug / Issue
These are problems where the functionality of the platform is not working as designed. We categorize bugs or issues based on their severity and will whenever possible, schedule a resolution for a 'Hot Fix'.

A Hot Fix is an update outside of our regularly planned release cycle.

Global Enhancement
If a proposed update to is accepted by Mindmatrix for all clients, it is categorized as a Global Enhancement. Global enhancements can take anywhere from 180 days or longer, depending upon their complexity since they are implemented free of charge and available to all clients.

You will receive an update on when a Global enhancement is released in the regularly published software release notes.

Question / Education
Support concerns that are identified as questions or education will be answered with a how to article or with instructions from the support desk.

If you send a request to complete work on your behalf in your account in Mindmatrix, your ticket is classified as a task.
A support representative will share an update on when you can expect any task to be resolved.

Submitting a critical ticket or high priority ticket

You can submit a critical or high priority ticket by entering into the subject line of your ticket "Critical" or "High Priority" if you email our support desk at support@mindmatrix.net.

You can also complete the ticket submission form (located here - https://helpdesk.mindmatrix.net/portal/en/newticket) and select any of these priority options.

Tickets submitted with this designation are prioritized by our support team and are answered on an urgent basis.

Most severe. The software is not working (such as the login page is broken, or the opportunity submission button does not work).
There is an issue with a particular feature with no work around to complete a task.
There is an issue with a work around to still allow users to complete a task but the problem should be addressed as soon as possible.
There is a challenge or issue that is not impeding any work but needs to be addressed soon.
There is a challenge or issue to report but the resolution can wait.

If you are unsure of what to select, the Mindmatrix team will evaluate based on the submission. If your team believes an issue is urgent or critical, we advise selecting these categories so we can review and evaluate.

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