Landing pages
How can I block certain email domains from filling out my landing page form?
Sometimes, you may want or need to block public email IDs such as or from filling out a landing page form. You can do this by editing the form properties in the landing page editor. Unlock the landing page editor Click on the form ...
How do I customize and publish a landing page?
In order to use a landing page, you need to publish the landing page template into "Output" mode. You can learn more about creating landing page templates here: How to create a landing page web template. Setting up your template for use... 1. Go to ...
How do I use Content Syndication?
It is possible to personalize navigation menus within Mindmatrix software. If you are unable to navigate to the correct page, contact your platform administrator. Feature: Content syndication is a feature where web-based content is re-published by a ...
How do I add an auto-responder email to the Landing page?
Benefits: This helps the user to add the auto-responder email to notify the contact as soon as they fill out the form. One can also send the email on behalf of other users Who would use this: Users who have access to the media of the landing pages. ...
How do I prevent non-company domains like Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail accounts from signing up via forms?
It is possible to personalize navigation menus within Mindmatrix software. If you are unable to navigate to the correct page, contact your platform administrator. You can prevent contacts with some email addresses, such as Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail ...
How do I add a privacy policy to a landing page?
First, email your administrator or with a privacy policy link. Our team will add the privacy policy as an option for your account. Once the privacy policy is added, you can edit a landing page to add a privacy note. Go to ...
How do I add a 'call to action' button to a landing page web form?
Part 1 - Adding a web form: To add a survey form to a landing page, click on the “Add” option and select “Form Container”. Select one of the web form template options, or create your own. Note: If the template you selected includes a default "Submit" ...
How do I use the double-opt in feature for forms?
Posted by The Team at Mindmatrix on 14 March 2018 08:00 PM Feature: The double opt-in process includes two steps. In step 1, a potential subscriber fills out and submits your online form. In step 2, they'll receive a confirmation email and click a ...
How do I make my landing page mobile friendly?
For more information on how to use the landing page editor, see How do I create landing page web templates? To switch between desktop and mobile mode, click on the Mobile View/Desktop View toggle of the landing page editor. By default, objects will ...
How do I use the HTML form option?
Posted by The Team at Mindmatrix on 04 January 2016 12:40 PM The HTML form option will allow you to create customized forms using the Mindmatrix form. With the HTML form option you can - Create customized form validation Design responsive forms ...
How do I create landing page web templates?
In order to use a landing page, you need to publish the landing page template into "Output" mode. You can learn more about using landing pages in Output mode here: How do I use landing pages? 1. To create a landing page, you will need to utilize a ...
How do I update SEO settings of landing pages?
Landing pages allow for the SEO settings to be changed - including items like the meta-image and text. This allows for the User to control what other programs, like Google and Facebook, automatically pull in when posted or used in those places. After ...
How to personalize landing page links with a different domain
It is a good idea to create a subdomain and point that subdomain to a Mindmatrix URL so you can use your own URL in landing pages inserted into your website and to comply with some pay per click (PPC) advertisement company policies. Some online ...
How do I create a poll?
For information on how to access and use the landing page editor, see: How do I create landing page web templates? Inserting a poll into a webpage template: In the landing page template editor, click on the “Add Object” drop-down and select “Poll”. ...
How do I create a thank you message for a landing page form?
Posted by The Team at Mindmatrix on 19 August 2015 05:33 AM In your web template, click on the “Add” option and select “Form Container”. Hit the “Plus” button in the form window. Select the fields you want and scroll down and click “Done”. Your ...
How do I create a form?
Forms are online questionnaires that you can use to collect information on your customer base. Forms are also commonly used on Web Templates to create landing pages, or you can grab only the coding to a form to use it directly on a website in order ...
How do I add an existing form to a different landing page?
For more information on how to access and use the landing page editor, see: How do I create landing page web templates? For more information on forms, see How do I create a form? In the landing page template editor, click on the “Add Object” ...
How do I add a new form to a landing page?
For more information on how to access and use the landing page editor, see: How do I create landing page web templates? For more information on forms, see How do I create a form? In the landing page template editor, click on the “Add Object” ...
How do I connect my landing page form to a print asset or web page?
Click on the form in your landing page to open the object properties menu. From there, select "Form Properties", and then click on the URL link icon. Select "Internal Asset" from the hyperlink dropdown menu. From there, click on the "Media" button. ...
How do I retrieve iframe code for my website or a link to my landing page?
Click on the "Manage" tab, then click on the "Web" drop-down menu and select "Landing Page". When you are in the landing page gallery, mouse over to the thumbnail card of a landing page and click on the gear icon . Select the Views/More dropdown menu ...
How do I make form fields mandatory?
Select Setup > Asset Management >Templates Click on the "Forms" tab, and then select the form that you wish to edit. In the form editor, hover over each field to show options. Click on the star icon to make the form field required. Note that the ...