Download the Mindmatrix desktop Widget To download the AMP desktop widget, go to your AMP dashboard, Click on the profile icon > Outlook. Open the zip file when it has finished downloading.
Extract the files using a file extractor application. Run the setup file on the computer. A setup wizard screen will open; follow the prompts to complete the installation. Once the installation is complete, click on the AMP desktop shortcut that has been placed on your desktop. Click on the gear to open the Settings panel. If you log into a link other than “” you will need to change your Login link. If you are an MSP, enter “” in the “AMP url” field. Click “Save” to close the Settings panel. This will prompt you to restart the application. Click on the AMP desktop shortcut to re-open the widget, then enter your MSP Advantage login credentials. Once signed in, your live feed will appear. Click the refresh button to view an updated feed. Send Email using Mindmatrix desktop widget You can use the desktop widget to send emails using Mindmatrix templates without entering the Mindmatrix program itself. First, make sure that your Mindmatrix Desktop widget is properly installed, (for information on how to do that click here).
If you wish to send a Mindmatrix email through Outlook, then open outlook and click on the "Add-Ins” tab. Click on the AMP tools drop down, and then choose “AMP Email Templates”.
This will open the “Outlook Plugin”. If you wish to use a pre-existing template, click on “Select AMP Email template”, if you wish to create an entirely new template, click on “select blank email”. For this tutorial, we will choose “Select Amp Email Template”. Select a template This will open a draft email that you can fill in and send out as you normally would. |