How do I create custom data entry fields for Contact entries?

How do I create custom data entry fields for Contact entries?

Custom data entry fields will allow you to record even more data about your contacts. They can be used in your forms and updated from your CRM.

Accessing the Contact data entry field editor: 

To start, click on Setup > Custom Fields, then choose Contact Custom Fields.
Note: On the Bridge platform, clients can personalize menu navigation to better suit the specific needs of their Users. Things may be under a different part of your navigation bar depending on your settings and customization. Contact your platform administrator, Support Team or Consultant for further assistance if you can’t find the selection noted.

Creating organizational tabs for Contact data entry fields;

Click on "Add New Tab".

Give your tab a default name and then click save. (If you wish you can also set localization display for other languages). 
Add New Tab: 
A. Set display names for other languages.

Custom Tab editing options: 
A. Edit tab name (see menu above).
B. Delete Tab
C. Set visibility and access settings
For information tab visibility controls, see How do I hide contact tabs based on the persona of the user?

Tip: To re-order tabs, simply click-and-drag!

Adding data entry fields

Click on "Add Another Form Field".

Select the Type of field you would like to create. (You can select TEXT, CURRENCY, DATETIME, NUMBER, DROPDOWN BOX, and CHECKBOX).  Enter a field display name and give it a unique parser name, (if you do not enter a parser name, your contact field will not work), and then click "Save".

Create Form options:
A. Localization: Set display text for other languages.
B. Number/Character Range (Min) and (Max): Set maximum and minimum number of characters for inputs.
C. Required Field: make input mandatory
D.  Show Tooltip and Info Icon

Repeat for all desired fields. When you are finished, click "Save". 

Data field options: 
A. View usage statistics
B. Edit field: (See above)
C. Delete field
D. Reposition/Reorder field

Admin note - reverting changes:

Site Admins and Super Admins have the ability to  reset all custom static contact fields and tabs within a Company back to the default configuration of three static tabs (Info, Address, and Preferences) and their corresponding data entry fields. 

Be advised: Once the default mode is set, it will no longer be possible to make further edits to Contact organizational tabs or static data entry fields.  For more information, see How do I revert all custom Contact tabs and static data entry fields to back the default configuration?