How do I participate in a beta release and what should I expect?

How do I participate in a beta release and what should I expect?

Beta releases are great ways to access new features from Mindmatrix before they are widely available to our entire client base. 

What is a beta release?

Beta releases include new functionality or features introduced to Mindmatrix software that require additional usage by active clients before being made available to our general client base. A beta release helps vet software for final availability to clients, and there is no charge for participating in using a beta release feature!

How can I participate in a beta release?

To apply to participate in a beta release, reach out to or your account representative. Spots are available on a first-come first-serve basis, and clients that participate in a beta release pledge to:

  1. Understand that their participation is voluntary;
  2. That bugs and issues may occur throughout the beta release process;
  3. That it is their responsibility to report any bugs for hot fixes or general release updates;
  4. Report on functionality they enjoy so Mindmatrix can incorporate this into a feedback pool.

Can I disable beta release access on my account after I opt-in?

If you sign up for beta release access in some cases you may be able to have the beta feature disabled. If the beta release includes an integration, there are limitations to what Mindmatrix is able to turn off or on if an issue occurs.

What should I know before I sign up for a beta release involving any third party integration?

If you are signing up for a beta release for an integration, please be advised that:
  1. Mindmatrix cannot "undo" synced data. Clients volunteering for a beta release of a software integration with a third party, do so at their own risk. It is highly recommended that you backup any data associated with your account prior to integrating with Mindmatrix in case an issue occurs.
  2. Mindmatrix only has the ability to disable the integration (turning it on or off) in case of any reported issue.
We recommend selecting any account that participates in a beta release carefully and that you backup your data before integrating.

What happens when the beta release process is complete?

In most cases, you will continue to be able to use the feature for free. If there will be any charge post-beta, you will be informed when you sign up to participate, and will receive a separate work order to authorize an additional charge for the service if you choose to continue to have access. Mindmatrix will never bill you without an updated work order or agreement signed.

When will I know if any feedback I provide on the beta is accepted?

It is important to note that since beta releases are available to all of our clients, we cannot incorporate every suggestion made. Feedback from clients goes into a feedback pool. This pool of responses is evaluated based on the best impact on the product for customers as well as our software release cycle. Updates to the software can take anywhere between 60 to 90 days up to a year, depending upon the complexity.

If your feedback is adopted, you will see it listed in our release notes.

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