Send Email Options:
A) From: Who the email should appear to be coming from
-“From” and “Reply-To” can be different Users
B) To: Who the email should be going to
-Type in Users’ names, or email addresses, then select from the drop-down to add
-Type in names of different Lists to bring them up for selection
-You can combine individual email addresses and list(s) for sending
C) Reply to: Who should receive the email replies
D) Subject: Type in the subject of the email
E) When: Schedule to send later, Now to send the email immediately upon finish, or Draft to complete editing later
- You can view drafts later by navigating back to the same area under Communicate and selecting the “Draft” tab in the top right-hand corner
F) Schedule Resend: If there's a need to resend this email to the users, we can arrange for a resend using this option.
G) Finish: Click Finish to schedule, send now, or save as draft, depending on 'E' selection