How do I setup asset configuration tabs and categories?

How do I setup asset configuration tabs and categories?

It is possible to personalize navigation menus within Mindmatrix software. If you are unable to navigate to the correct page, contact your platform administrator. 
Asset Configuration will set up the search features in Assets > View Assets page.

How do I set up asset configuration tabs?

These tabs are the asset tabs shown here:

To set up this configuration, go to Setup > Asset Management > Asset Configuration

Go to the tab Asset Search Configuration 

Under each tab check the box under “Folder” according to the tab category you create. Below are the standard tabs we create for you upon setup. You will want to check the folder that includes the type of assets for the given tab name.

For example,

Tab: PDF
Check folders:
Personalized Documents

Tab: Emails
Check folders:

Tab: Videos
Check folders:

Tab: Presentations
Check folders:

Add Filters to your Tabs

Additionally, you can associate filters with each tab to further filter your assets. 
To include the appropriate assets in this tab, ensure the correct filter is applied as shown below.  Type in as many filters that you would like to use to sort assets into this tab.

How do I set up filter categories?

Filter categories create the filter folders on the left hand side of the View Assets page. A set of filter categories are created by default upon setup but these can be customized to your needs during your asset audit call with your consultant.

To include assets in any of these categories or tabs, be sure the appropriate asset has the correct filters applied! Use your asset spreadsheet to identify categories and the various filters to apply to each category.  See below for example categories and all the filters you identified and tagged for each category on your asset audit organizer. 

Example Categories: (the bullet points are the various filters you will want to add to the category)
  1. Sales Stages 
    1. Presales
    2. Discovery
    3. Demo
    4. Post-Demo
    5. Close
  2. Asset Types 
    1. Brochure
    2. Whitepaper
    3. Email
    4. Presentation
    5. Onboarding
    6. Training
    7. Video 
  3. Verticals 
    1. Manufacturing
    2. High-Tech
    3. Franchise
    4. Services
    5. MSP-Hightech
  4. Personas 
    1. CEO
    2. Sales 
    3. Marketing

A new setting, Enable Asset Sharing Notification, has been introduced in the Asset Configuration page to notify users when assets are shared with them. Once this setting is enabled, the filters added to the asset folder will display all assets that are associated with them, users will receive an email notification when those assets are shared. Also, we need to ensure that the "Send Email Notification" checkbox is also checked while sharing the assets.

As shown in the screenshot above, the assets associated with the filter "general assets" will trigger an email notification if the Enable Asset Sharing Notification option is enabled and the "send email notification" checkbox is selected when sharing the assets.

Notification and Sharing Process:

  1. Email Notification on Sharing: Once the Enable Asset Sharing Notification is enabled, every time assets are shared with users, they will receive an email notification regarding the shared assets.

  2. Checkbox for Send Email Notification: Ensure the checkbox for "Send Email Notification" is selected while sharing the assets.

If Enable Asset Sharing Notification is unchecked, the users will still receive an email notification if the "send email notification" checkbox is selected when sharing assets. However, in this case, the notification will be for all shared assets, not specifically those assets associated with the filters in the asset folder.

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