How do I add a 'call to action' button to a landing page web form?

How do I add a 'call to action' button to a landing page web form?

Part 1 - Adding a web form:

To add a survey form to a landing page,  click on the “Add” option and select “Form Container”.

Select one of the web form template options, or create your own.  

Note: If the template you selected includes a default "Submit" button, then you will need to open the Form Template Editor to alter or remove it. For instructions on how to use the Form Template Editor, click here...

Part 2 - Adding a submit button:

There are two ways to create a submit button. You can add a submit button either by using a 'Call to action' button or by adding an image

1. Using CTA button:

Click on the CTA option and then click-and-drag the button to the desired location

To customize the button, double click on the CTA button and then you can change the text on it or change the color code for the button and change the alignment and border

Call To Action Properties: 
A. Save Changes
B. Preview Window
C. Edit Text
D. Add Link
E. Edit Appearance (shape, color, ect.)

Then open the "Form Properties Menu", either by double clicking on the web-form-container, or selecting the 'web-form-container' object and then clicking on the "Show/Hide Property" tab..

When the "Form Container Object" menu appears, click to expand "Form Properties" menu section, and then for the "Submit Option" drop-down menu select the whichever layer contains your call-to-action object, (in this example named "CalltoAction Layer"). 

2. Using an 'image' object:

To add a survey form to a landing page,  click on the “Add Object" tab and then select “Form Container”.

Select an image to use for your CTA button, select destination link, and then click "Save".

Image Properties:
A. Select CTA image from your gallery. 
B. Map Image to (platform will select an image based the variable you select).
C. Select image link

Click and drag to position the image object

Then open the "Form Properties Menu", either by double clicking on the web-form-container, or selecting the 'web-form-container' object and then clicking on the "Show/Hide Property" tab.

When the "Form Container Object" menu appears, click to expand "Form Properties" menu section, and then for the "Submit Option" drop-down menu select the whichever layer contains your call-to-action image, (in this case labeled "ImageObject Layer").

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