Social Media Drip Campaigns are a series of social posts that can be run, scheduled, or stopped. These campaigns are designed as a triggered sequence of automated posts sent on a predefined schedule. [Learn more about creating one here:
How to Run, Stop, and Schedule a Social Media Drip Campaign.]
Navigating to the Drip Template Editor
1. To create a social media Drip campaign template, first go to Setup, then Asset Management, Social Drip Templates, then click on "Create".
Note: On the Bridge platform, clients can personalize menu navigation to better suit the specific needs of their Users. Things may be under a different part of your navigation bar depending on your settings and customization. Contact your platform administrator, Support Team or Consultant for further assistance if you can’t find the selection noted.
The Info section:
2. Fill in the Name and then click on the "arrow" icon.

Optional information fields:
- Description: add any relevant explanatory notes and comments
- Filters: add search filter tags
- Thumbnail: Add a thumbnail image for the template
Select Social Sites:
3. Select a start date for your drip campaign, select the sites that you wish to post to, and then click on the "arrow" icon.

Optional Settings:
A. Use user's default social settings for posting: Uses the Social Media pages set by the User under that specific User's profile set-up
B. Select Message Type, Rich Text: For blogs (cannot be used for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook). Supports text formatting, such as bold, italics, and underlining, as well as different fonts, font sizes, and colored text.
C. Social Site: Check off which social media platforms you'd like for which you'd like to enable this template. If you have pages currently connected, a drop-down will show with social media page options. You can leave this blank if this is a template for Users or future use, and not for a specific page. (Note: It's a good practice to keep blogs separate from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter campaigns due to formatting and character limits)
Messages and Timing:
4. Use the menus at the top of the page to select your campaign timeframes.

Campaign Timing Menus:
A. Social Posting Days: Select which days posts can occur
B. Social Posting Range: Select the earliest and latest times that a post can occur
C. Scheduled Drip (Start Date): Select the date and time when the campaign will begin
5. To create campaign posts, click on either the "Regular Post" or "Specific Day" tabs and then click "Create".

Regular Post vs. Specific Day
- Regular Post: The platform will publish these posts on a regular interval.
- Specific Day: The platform will publish each post at a date and time the user selects.
6. For each post; type in a post title, type in your message text, and then click "Save".

Social Post Options:
- Media: Web (most common choice being Web for a landing page), Print (best for social media viewing), Ebook
- Image Gallery: Graphics
- Document Gallery: PDFs
- Video Gallery
- Links: External tracking link (note, links will already be wrapped with tracking, but this can allow for better reports)
- View Preview: open social media preview window

View Preview
A. Show/Hide Preview
B. Refresh Preview
C. Select social media site preview
7. Repeat for all campaign posts. When you are satisfied with your messages and timing, click on the arrow icon to move to the next section.

Additional menu items for managing posts:
A. Publish Randomly (the platform will randomize posting times)
B. Download posting content onto a CSV file
C. Delete or reorder posts
Configuring the social director
8. Choose the entities that the campaign will go out on behalf of. Use the tabs to access lists of Users, Groups, and Organizations, and the "Add/Remove" toggles to select specific entries from each list. Once you have made your selections, click "Finish"
Social Template Sharing
9. After creating a social media drip template, when you proceed to share the drip, you're presented with options to send notification emails. Selecting 'Send email notification to newly shared' will trigger notifications solely to users with whom you share immediately after creation. If you opt for 'Send an email notification to all shared users,' it will send notifications to all users, encompassing both newly and previously shared users.
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