Users can make only textual changes to email templates/media that have been created using the ‘Import Design’ option.
Why is this limitation in place?
‘Smart Objects’ and ‘Brand’ in the email editor are only compatible with a specific HMTL structure. This feature restricts users from inserting smart objects in designs from external sources that do not follow AMP’s HTML architecture.
Adding email personalization to imported templates
You can add personalization tokens to email templates prior to importing them into Mindmatrix. Remember that different email providers will use different codes for personalization, so if you are importing content from a prior provider you must first update your personalization variables to be compatible with Mindmatrix.
Common personalization codes
Use the personalization editor in another email template to insert variables you can copy and paste. Common codes are below:
First name Last name | ##user.firstname## ##user.lastname## |
Sender's work phone number | ##user.telephone## |
Sender's job title | ##user.title## |
Organization name (Partner name) | ##organization.name## |
Organization phone number (Partner's company phone number) | ##organization.telephone## |
Company name (Vendor) | ##company.name## |
Company phone number | ##company.telephone##
Common personalization usage
Hi[if value = "##contact.First Name##" NotEqual= "" ] ##contact.First Name##[/if],
Creates the following as long as the contact record has the first name filled in:
Hi Joan,
Best Regards,
[if value = "##user.FirstName##" NotEqual= "" ]##user.FirstName## ##user.LastName##
[/if][if value = "##user.Title##" NotEqual= "" ]##user.Title##
[/if][if value = "##company.Name##" NotEqual= "" ]##company.Name##
[/if][if value = "##user.Telephone##" NotEqual= "" ]Phone: ##user.Telephone##
[/if][if value = "##user.Email##" NotEqual= "" ]Email: [url href="mailto:##user.Email##" style="text-decoration: underline; color:#4c4c4c;"] ##user.Email##[/url]
[/if][if value = "##company.Url##" NotEqual= "" ][url href="##company.Url##" style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#4c4c4c;" target="_blank"]View Website[/url][/if]
Creates the following as long as the data is available in the user profile fields:
John Doe
Company Inc
Phone: 555-555-5555
Email: john.doe@companyinc.com
View Website
[if value = "##company.Facebook##" NotEqual= "" ][url href="##company.Facebook##" target="_blank"] [/url][/if][if value = "##company.Twitter##" NotEqual= "" ][url href="##company.Twitter##" target="_blank"] [/url][/if][if value = "##company.Linkedin##" NotEqual= "" ][url href="##company.Linkedin##" target="_blank"] [/url][/if] |
Company address details
[if value = "##company.Address1##" NotEqual= "" ]##company.Address1##,[/if] [if value = "##company.Address2##" NotEqual= "" ]##company.Address2##,[/if] [if value = "##company.City##" NotEqual= "" ]##company.City##,[/if] [if value = "##company.State##" NotEqual= "" ]##company.State##[/if] [if value = "##company.Zipcode##" NotEqual= "" ]##company.Zipcode##
[/if][if value = "##company.Email##" NotEqual= "" ]Email: [url href="mailto:##company.Email##" style="text-decoration: none; color:#646464;"]##company.Email##[/url] | [/if][if value = "##company.Telephone##" NotEqual= "" ]Phone: ##company.Telephone##[/if][if value = "##company.Fax##" NotEqual= "" ] | Fax: ##company.Fax##[/if]
This will create company address, email, website, phone number and fax number details as long as they exist in the company profile of the sender/user. Replace "company" with "organization" if you are creating assets for the usage of partner users that belong to organizations.
Importing an HTML design to a new Email Template
When you reach the "Email Editor" section of the Email Template creation process, the "Select Wireframe/Import HTML Design" will appear. Click on the "Import Design" tab, copy-paste your HTML code, and then click "Import Design".
When the "Import Design" pop-up appears, select "Yes"
Your HTML design will appear then appear in the editor.
Importing an HTML design to a pre-existing template
Select the "Import" tab in the top left corner of the Email Template Editor. From there, repeat the steps above.